What is a CSA?
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. The CSA model for farming is also referred as farm shares. In this model you pay for a seasons worth of vegetables in the winter or spring, sharing both the risks and rewards of agriculture for the following season. You place your food dollar directly in the hands of a local family farm and in exchange receive a share of fresh, USDA Certified Organic vegetables each week delivered to your local neighborhood. If you love cooking and eating fresh organic seasonal whole food you will love CSA.
Community Supported Agriculture unites farmers and consumers to create direct and mutually beneficial relationships around the production of environmentally sustainable and healthy local food. By joining a CSA you support small farms and a production system which provides nutritious and fresh food for your family. Check out 10 Reasons to Join a CSA, read a cost/benefit analysis comparing CSAs to other food provision systems by the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the University of Wisconsin Madison, or visit the Fairshare CSA coalition's website to learn more.
June Box
What We Offer
We have certified organic produce with 17 CSA seasons under our belt. We are dedicated to filling your boxes each week with a bounty and creating community. With your share (both sizes) you receive vegetables but much much more! You can expect
20 weeks of organic produce delivered to your Neighborhood June-October.
Weekly newsletters with cooking tips and ideas, a list of vegetables, news from the farm and writings on topics related to food and agriculture.
Family centered farm events - Our annual BarnYard Dance and birthday bust-up.
U-pick canning tomatoes and pumpkins, potential upick berries, peas or beans (in good seasons), and gleaning (clean up harvest of vegetable beds we are done with). Note Upick is not a calculated cost in the share but is an additional non-monetary benefit.
Maple syrup and mushrooms (oyster and shitake) included at least once during the season.
August box
Communication and online community- aside from always being able to contact us we have both a Facebook farm page with fun updates, recipes, and farm action. When you signup for a share you will receive a preseason welcome with all the dates and details of the coming season and a weekly e-mail newsletter with what’s in your box, news from the farm, recipes featuring in box items, and maybe a romantic quote from Uncle Dennis, or a probing agro-existential farm essay from Tony.
A farm to make your own! We invite members to participate in the farm in diverse ways. You are always welcome at pizza nights each week and all scheduled farm events but you can visit us anytime with notice!
Farm Share Options
To pay for a CSA with a Credit Card click here.
Full Share (¾ bushel)……………………. $550
Includes a box of vegetables larger than a large paper grocery bag. Farm events, u-pick and delivery included. A good family size. Pick-up sites will be open from 1-6 pm every Thursday 1st CSA Delivery Thursday, June 8th
Small Share (½ bushel)…………………….. $450
Same events and features as the full share, 1/2 to 2/3rds the amount. This share is best for 1 or 2 people or a family that does not use many vegetables. Pick-up sites will be open from 1-6 pm every Thursday. 1st CSA Delivery Thursday, June 8th
Worker Share.…in exchange for weekly work
Full share in exchange for weekly work. We will offer 6-10 worker shares where you exchange 4 hours of work each week for a box of produce. These shares require a scheduled shift (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, either 8am-12 or 1-5pm).
Community Share..................... $500
Receive a discounted full share ($500) for a commitment of 1 full day of farm work during the season. Please contact us to discuss this possibilities.
Share a Share………donation of your choice
Purchasing a ‘share a share’ allows families with lower incomes to share in the CSA by covering part of the cost. If you only purchase a ‘share a share’ you are welcome at all farm events.
We Are Taking 2022 regular season full & Small Shares and Market Shares are always open.
To pay for a CSA with a Credit Card click here.
Click here for the 2023 Pre-Season Welcome: All the Dates and Details of the Coming Season!
Pick-up locations include
At the farm: 245728 Baldwin Creek Road, 5 minutes due north of Athens (on farm pick-up Wednesday at 3pm -Saturday Night)
Athens: to your home
Marshfield: 112 N Purdy Ave Marshfield WI (Aunt Susie’s House)
Merrill: Sawmill Brewery 1110 E 10th St. Merrill, WI 54452
Wausau East Side: The garage of Heather and Kent Busig, 2201 Elmwood Blvd
Wausau West: Wausau Wellness Center 512 South 17th Ave.
Market Shares from Stoney Acres
How the Market Share Works: While a traditional CSA SHARE is packed by the farm, based on what is in season, delivered to a dropsite every week for a 20 week season, and typically saves the subscriber between 20% and 25% when compared to the cost of goods at the market; a MARKET SHARE offers the flexibility of getting what you want when you want from Stoney Acres with a %5, or %10 discount applied upon payment depending on the share size you pay in advance for. You are in essence afforded a credit with the farm at the Wausau Farmer’s Market, Friday and Saturday pizza nights, and by appointment on the farm until the credit is spent. You do your shopping for any item on the stand including, meat, and all value added goods, I tabulate your total, and subtract it from your credit in the book I keep in my cashbox at the market.
Payment Plans, Low-Income Shares & Foodshare
We offer payment plans upon request but ask for 3 dated checks at one time. We offer subsidized shares from the farm and via the partnershares program http://www.csacoalition.org/our-work/partner-shares/. If you are eligible we strongly encourage you to apply! Additionally, we can process FoodShare at the Wausau Wisconsin winter and summer markets. Contact us for more information on this. Foodshare (food stamps/EBT)- We process food share monthly through the Fairshare CSA coalition. Click here for more information. Financial Assistance -If you make below 185% of the federal poverty line (for example below $43,642 for a family of 4) you can have 50% of your share cost covered. For more details, for eligibility, or to apply click here. If you have a special situation you can contact us directly. These fund do run out but please contact us at any time with questions or need.
Worker Share - Worker shares work on the farm with us for a weekly four hour shift in exchange for a full share CSA box. Shifts are available Monday-Wednesday from either 8am-12pm or 1-5pm and coincide with the weeks of the CSA (early June-Mid October). If you live in Wausau it is doubtful that a worker share will be a financial savings because of the cost of driving but it is certainly a savings for those who live closer and it is a fun way to get involved with food production, to connect with the land and your farmers. We do not have experience or age restrictions but you must be able to carry about 30-50 lbs, to stand, bend, kneel, walk comfortably on uneven ground in cold, hot, wet and windy weather. For more information and specifics click and a short application click here. All long time worker shares can ignore this form and contact us directly.
Taking Care of your veggies, cooking and preserving the bounty
In conjunction with the FairShare CSA Coalition we offer you a comprehensive list of resources which can be accessed at http://www.csacoalition.org/resources/consumers/ You can search sections on cooking, preservation and storage
Taking Care of your veggies
To take good care of your veggies store them properly. Click here for a great all season guide to storing all the veggies for the season from our friends at Tipi Produce. Watch for tips in your newsletter for other special crops.
Cook up some wonderful recipes
1. Read about our favorite cookbooks - * Great Cookbooks for the CSA season
2. The best cookbooks for CSA cooking because they are written by CSA farmers. You can order here or we will have these available for CSA members several times this season. http://www.csacoalition.org/resources/consumers/cookbook/
More on Preservation
The best go to guide for easy canning tipshttp://www.foodsafety.wisc.edu/
Common Questions and Answers : Going out of town? Overwhelmed by Swiss chard? Want to come out to visit the farm? Click here for answers to 20 common CSA Questions
Preservation Days . Come some Sunday afternoon to help put up the harvest in my commercial kitchen and take some home for your freezer or celler. Peas, beans, strawberries, Kraut, Kimchi, sweetcorn, tomato sauce. Watch newsletter for announcements.
Upick and Gleaning- upick is a bonus (not part of the calculated cost) of a CSA share but is something some people really enjoy. We will still offer traditional upick for tomatoes (every family gets at least 1/2 bushel free) and pumpkins (at the pumpkin pick or by appointment if you cant make it out for that event) and may offer berries or other crops if there is a specific glut.
This season we will expand options by offering gleaning times (times to come out and pick beds of vegetables once we are done harvesting). This food can be picked for individual use or as part of a group donation to local food pantries (or both). These times will be announced in weekly newsletters. Some gleaning options will involve helping us harvest something like sweet potatoes (you take small extras) and some will be more self guided (you pick the remaining peas or beans). There is no cost associated with gleaning but it is a great way to stock your pantries, to pick for fun or experience with your kids, or as a way to eliminate food waste and to provide food for lower income families in the region.
Athens Fair Float August 20th, Dropping Beets like it ain’t no thang!!
Known as “The World’s Biggest Small Town Fair” the Athens fair features among other things: a horse show, cattle and vegetable judging, midway games and rides, and the beer tent. Our float in the Sunday Parade has taken first prize in the past, and this year has a mushroom theme. We always love for more people to join our homemade float in costume!
The Birthday Bust-Up, Sunday October 8th
What does Tony want for his birthday? HELP!!! He wants you to come over and do his work for him while we all drink wine! Come over Sunday for Farm fresh Burritos, Cake, Wine, and an afternoon of busting-up garlic and maybe a little weeding.